Pat Boone shares five tips for living a long, happy and healthy life
At 88 years of age, Pat Boone has some words of wisdom when it comes to leading a long life. “I take no prescription medications and my cardiologist, who is 70, says he wants to be me when he grows up,” Boone told Newsmax. In the candid interview, Boone revealed in 2019 that he eats a healthy breakfast of papaya, whole grain cereal, flax seed, and goat’s milk.
For lunch, he enjoys a “large salad” and for dinner, “white fish, mushrooms, couscous and dark leafy greens”.
Describing himself as “aerobic fit”, Boone likes to play tennis two to three times per week with a friend.
Not only that, he enjoys walking, riding his bicycle, playing golf, and lifting weights in the gym.
“I have been faithful to my God, to my wife and when I made mistakes — and I have made some serious ones — I asked for forgiveness,” said Boone.
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Boone is now in his late 80s
“Guilt, fear, and anxiety are the root causes of 60 to 70 percent of hospitalizations.”
Boone explained his reasoning: “When you are not at peace, you are tense and disturbed, which wreaks havoc with your health at all levels.
“When you ask for and are granted forgiveness from the Lord, you have a clear conscience.”
Boone is also a fan of breath work. “I practice taking long, slow, deep breaths and this can instantly reduce my stress while expanding my lungs.
“As a singer, I was always aware of the importance of deep breathing.”
Boone’s greatest hits include Moody River (1961), Remember You’re Mine (1957), and I’ll Be Home (1956).
In addition to his spiritual depth, Boone admits he engages his mind often with a crossword puzzle.
“Once you get what the clues are trying to convey, they are easy,” he beamed.
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The star – who was born on June 1, 1934, in Jacksonville, Florida – said he wrote and read voraciously.
Boone is also a fan of laughter – “having a good laugh is like taking pep pills”, he said.
“Shirley [his late wife] and I used to laugh at each other’s foibles all the time!” Boone revealed.
“And goodness knows, with all the jokes made at my expense over the years, if I didn’t laugh at them, I’d be in bad shape!”
Boone’s tips for longevity
- A healthy diet
- Frequent body movements
- Mental agility
- Faith
- Laughter.
By leading a healthy lifestyle, you are able to minimize the risk of life-shortening diseases.
Cultivating healthy habits can begin at any time, so never think it’s too late.
Pat Boone starred in Journey To The Center Of The Earth, which is showcasing on Thursday, April 13 on Film4 at 1.10pm.