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5 Healthy Snacks Worth Picking Up at Costco

Costco is an excellent store that offers an impressive variety of products, including healthy snacks that everyone from kids to adults can enjoy. If you’re looking for healthy food for every budget, Costco is a great place to check. You can find many of your favorite brands there, and some even have snack pack options for easy transportation. If you’re looking for some healthy snack ideas (other than fruits and veggies) you can pick up at Costco, the following list includes snacks that’ll satisfy your appetite whether you have a salty or sweet tooth. Since Costco is known to carry…
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6 Foods You Should Avoid That Cause Bloating (And Tips To Reduce Bloating)

Have you ever felt that uncomfortable bloated feeling, with excess gas and abdominal discomfort? If so, you’re not alone! It has become quite common as our eating habits tend to favor sinful street food over healthy homemade meals. However, did you know that the cause of your discomfort could be related to your most recent meal, which may still be sitting in your undigested stomach? The good news is that bloating and gas are usually not a sign of a serious health issue and can be managed with a few simple changes to your diet. To help you pinpoint which…
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Eating These Six Foods Can Help You Stay Heart Healthy

Share on PinterestEating fish and whole fat dairy can help you stay healthy. Olga Peshkova/Getty Images Eating more whole fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish, and whole-fat dairy products may help lower your heart disease risk. Experts found that following a heart-healthy diet can be achieved in various ways, such as consuming moderate amounts of whole grains or unprocessed meats. Focusing on starting small when making diet changes can help you stick with new eating habits. A new report finds that you may be at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease if you don’t eat enough of six key heart-healthy foods.…
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Plant-based food packages linked to reduce BMI in children

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A new study led by researchers from the Mass General Brigham healthcare system suggests that taking a “food is medicine” approach could increase nutrition security for families and lead to reductions in body mass index (BMI) in children. Working together with the MGH Food Pantry, researchers from the Massachusetts General for Children and Boston Children’s Hospital examined whether providing weekly plant-based foods to families seeking food assistance during the pandemic led to weight changes among children. The team found an association between increasing receipts of food packages and decreasing BMI. The findings, published in the journal…
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Healthy Fast Food Options to Eat on the Road

Fast food should never be your go-to for every meal. But life gets busy and, sometimes, when you’re on the road, you have to choose convenience over a home-cooked meal. Thankfully, there are relatively healthy fast food options. Over the past decade, there’s been a shift in the industry to provide healthy fast food options. Rather than strictly opting for among fried fare, chains are lightening up classic offerings and concocting entirely new items with fewer calories, fat and carbs. A general rule of thumb for eating healthy on the road is to watch your portion sizes. Avoid high-fat items,…
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9 Healthy Foods To Eat Every Day

What you eat every day can have a profound effect on your physical and mental health. So often, people tend to think of what they should be avoiding for their health or waistlines, but a more productive way to approach food is to think of what they should be adding to their diet on a daily basis. The running theme throughout the list of healthy foods to add to eat every day is that all of these foods are plants or from plant sources. Plants are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber, and the variety of plant…
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Three ‘heart-healthy’ food swaps that can keep cholesterol in check

Dubbed the “silent killer”, high cholesterol can raise your risk of serious health problems, ranging from heart disease to strokes. Food can be a double-edged sword in this process, either boosting your levels of the fatty substance, or keeping them in check. “When it comes to dieting, the most important change you can make is reducing your saturated fat intake,” Lynne Garton, Dietetic Adviser at HEART UK, said. “There are different types of fat in the food we eat, and saturated fats are the type that raises blood cholesterol.” Worryingly, there are three popular food options enjoyed by many Britons…
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Healthy food increasingly out of reach for the Island’s poorest

Report highlights high cost of housing and food; lower-income people are forced to make difficult choices Healthy food is becoming increasingly out of reach for low-income families on Vancouver Island, a new report says. Grocery costs for a family of four on a nutritious diet costs $1,366 on average per month in the Island Health region, a BC Center for Disease Control report says. Those in the North Island health region, which includes the Sunshine Coast, were found to pay $1,370 on average, while families in Central Vancouver Island and South Vancouver Island paid an average of $1,343 and $1,386…