This year the birth of Robert Burns and the Lunar New Year fell on the same date, 25th january. A time for Scots and Asian heritage to be celebrated, a time for reflection and forward planning.
My favorite Robert Burns poem is ‘To a Mouse’, written in 1785 it tells the story of Burns disturbing a mouse nest whilst plowing a field, a panic stricken mouse, its ruined nest and with winter just around the corner, its world in disarray .
There is a line in the poem, ‘The best laid plans o’mice an’ men gang aft agley’ that resonates…
From their Safety, Sustainability and Training Director, Steven Broom, being awarded Health and Safety Influencer of the Year 2019, to win a number of President and Gold Medal Awards across a variety of divisions, Dyer & Butler Ltd enjoyed an outstanding 2019.
As one of the first winners of the Influencer of the Year Award, we recently caught up with Steven to find out Dyer & Butler Ltd’s impressive award history, and how winning a RoSPA Award has benefited both himself and his organization…
What benefits does winning a RoSPA Award have for your organization?
RoSPA is a well-respected brand…
Thinking of entering the RoSPA Health & Safety Awards for the first time? On the face of it, it can seem quite daunting. “Which part of the organization should I enter? Have we got enough evidence to support the ten key performance questions?” And so on…
After all, there is a lot of hard work involved entering an internationally recognized and highly prestigious reward scheme, so to make life a little easier, we put together this little infographic to show you just how simple it is to start your awards journey.
Exchanging best practice is at the heart of the…
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom, whose administration is struggling to contain a worsening homelessness crisis despite record spending, is trying something bold: tapping federal health care funding to cover rent for homeless people and those at risk of losing their housing.
[–States are barred from using federal Medicaid dollars to pay directly for rent, but California’s governor is asking the administration of President Joe Biden, a fellow Democrat, to authorize a new program called “transitional rent,” which would provide up to six months of rent or temporary housing for low-income enrollees who rely on the state’s health care…
Anton Petukhov/Getty Images
Anton Petukhov/Getty Images
Veterinarian Karen Fine continues to be amazed by her patients, despite the fact that she’s been in practice for 30 years. Take, for example, the feral cat she had to capture in a net, who was suffering from an overgrown claw that had been punctured and infected his paw pad.
“I knew that I could give him antibiotics for the infection, but it wasn’t going to stop until I trimmed that claw,” Fine said.
Just as Fine was contemplating how to best access the infected paw, her feline patient stretched it out to her…
December 20, 2022 · 5:50 AM
I’ve written previously about how Paul Ingraham helped cure my patello-femoral pain syndrome.
More recently, Paul looked into hiccup cures because his father had an intractable case. What finally worked for dad? Breathing into a plastic bag.
Boosting blood CO2 (hypercapnia) by breathing in a PLASTIC bag. This one is quite plausible and is easy and safe to try. Hypercapnia definitely affects some kinds of hiccups. The story (from a smart source, a good “friend of PainSci”): “There’s an even easier way out of hiccups — at zero cost. Learned it from my uncle,…
A new study of more than 1,400 Canadian children who contracted COVID-19 found that fever and cough were associated more heavily with Omicron and Delta variants, but that serious outcomes like hospitalization and being moved to the intensive care unit remained even across all variants.
The fact that rates of hospitalization and being moved to the intensive care unit remained stable even with later variants could be a sign that when it comes to children, the virus is not getting milder, researchers said.
“Unlike in adults, it does not appear that children are being less severely affected by emerging variants,…
Kids Help Phone says it’s turning to artificial intelligence to help respond to the “enormous need” as more and more young people reach out for mental health help and support.
“Young people are changing fast and technology is changing faster,” said Michael Cole, senior vice-president and chief information officer for Kids Help Phone.
The helpline is partnering with the Toronto-based Vector Institute, which bills itself as a consultant for organizations, businesses and governments to develop and adopt “responsible” AI programs.
The planned AI will be able to recognize key words and speech patterns from young people who reach out to…