Elon University requires health insurance information before class registration

Students who have not yet uploaded their health insurance information or enrolled in Elon University’s new Student Blue health plan will be unable to register for classes until they have completed the health agreement form.

This form requires the student’s signature and acknowledges that either the student must waive the new health plan and upload their health insurance information or enroll in the plan and accept the extra charge on their tuition bill — which is $1,300 for undergraduate students and $1,900 for graduate students each semester. Completing this form is separate from needing to upload one’s current insurance information or having to enroll in the new plan.

While the original deadline for students to complete this process was March 17, Dean of Students Jana Lynn Patterson said students have until tuition bills are sent out to truly decide whether or not to waive or enroll. Students who do not waive or submit their current health insurance information will be automatically enrolled in the university’s health insurance plan and will be billed accordingly.

According to Elon University’s academic catalog, tuition bills are sent out July 1 and due the first Friday of August. Even after the bills are sent, Patterson said students have until the bills are due Aug. 4 this fall to officially waive or enroll in the plan.

According to Patterson, the university will begin putting “flags” on students’ OnTrack accounts who have yet to provide the needed information. Patterson said he predicted flags would begin to go up this afternoon and would not allow students to complete their fall 2023 class registration until they had signed the agreement.

Outside of emailing students, posting reminders on Today at Elon, notifying undergraduates’ parents and mailing postcards to students, Patterson said the university will continue to contact students who still need to submit their information.

Approximately 5% of undergraduate and graduate students, or roughly 250 people, have yet to enroll or waive in the Student Blue plan — though Patterson said that number is consistently decreasing as the university continues to reach out to students.

Associate Provost of Academic Affairs Jennifer Platania has also reached out to academic advisers, alerting them of the presence of the registration flags and encouraging them to push advises to take the proper actions if they have not already done so.

“We really just want to avoid that situation, with folks being surprised,” Patterson said.