Newmarket Today welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).
Re: Government, optometrists see eye to eye on a new dealMarch 26, 2023.
I am one of many patients who require frequent visits to an optometrist. My condition is ingrown eyelashes.
The ingrown lashes are removed by the optometrist, using the slit lamp and plucking with tweezers monthly. If these hairs are not removed, eye irritation
and infections can occur.
Under current payment procedures, the optometrist bills OHIP for a minor follow-up assessment, to cover time and costs.
OHIP and the optometrists have agreed to the following: As of Sept.1, 2023, optometrists will be allowed to bill for one complete eye exam and two minor follow-up assessments per patient every 18 months. This means that ALL patients with the ingrown lash condition will be required to pay out of pocket for lash removal.
Many of these patients are seniors living on a fixed pension income, as I am. Can anyone explain to me how this improves seniors health care?
Perhaps the Ontario government can stop the empty half-page ads in newspapers and put our tax money toward paying the optometrists and doctors?
John Parkins