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Coconut Orange Breakfast Bars – JennifersKitchen

One thing I do not do: Spend more than 10 minutes in the morning preparing breakfast. When it’s breakfast time, I want to eat – not measure, stir, cook, chop, or bake. That means that make-ahead breakfasts are a regular part of my meals. Preparing breakfast ahead of time means that either my crockpot or my freezer always has something delicious waiting for me in the morning. Like these Coconut Orange Breakfast Bars. Naturally sweet, these Coconut Orange Breakfast Bars are packed with both flavor and nutrition. And they’re freezer-friendly, so you can have a stash in the freezer for…
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Montreal public health monitoring of flesh-eating disease cases in Terrebonne

Doctors in Terrebonne are concerned about a cluster of cases of flesh-eating disease after four people have been admitted to hospital over the past 10 days and one of them died. Public health issued an alert to health-care workers in the province to be on the lookout and to investigate cases where the patient presents symptoms that could be flesh-eating disease. Four recent cases of necrotizing fasciitis at Le Gardeur Hospital in Terrebonne, a northern suburb of Montreal, were not linked, meaning the patients weren’t in contact with each other. The protocol for the immediate family is to be treated…
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Brain Food – JennifersKitchen

The brain is the most complex organ of the human body. It’s also a very hungry organ. The brain gobbles up about 20 percent of your daily calorie intake. And research shows that the food we eat directly affects the structure and function of our brain. But can certain foods actually improve memory, help us concentrate, make us more intelligent, and help us think more clearly? Research says positively yes. We can make our brains work better simply by feeding them the right foods. Here, some smart foods to add to your meals this week. The Brain Diet Fruits Fruit…
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COVID-19 in BC: COVID Awareness Week April 3-7

As pandemic safety measures continue to ease, COVID-19 awareness group Protect Our Province BC notes continued potential risks posed by virus. Three years after the COVID-19 pandemic started, Protect Our Province BC is promoting COVID Awareness Week along with allied COVID-19 safety groups. The five-day event, which runs from April 3 to April 7, is an attempt to inform Canadians of the harm that the virus can cause to their health and well-being, according to a release from Protect Our Province. Dr. Lyne Filiatrault, a retired emergency physician and member of the Protect Our Province BC (POP BC), highlighted the…
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CVS Health (NYSE:CVS) Coverage Initiated by Analysts at Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft initiated coverage on shares of CVS Health (NYSE:CVS – Get Rating) in a report released on Monday morning, The Fly reports. The firm issued a hold rating on the pharmacy operator’s stock. Several other research firms also recently issued reports on CVS. Morgan Stanley upped their price objective on CVS Health from $119.00 to $120.00 and gave the company an overweight rating in a research note on Friday, January 13th. Raymond James lowered their price target on shares of CVS Health from $115.00 to $110.00 and set an outperform rating on the stock in a report on…
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How does Santa stay safe at Christmas? – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

Delivering millions of gifts around the world is a complex and difficult task, even for Santa. Considering for a moment the impossibly short time he has to deliver these presents, coupled with the fact he has eight flying reindeers to manage along the way, it’s also a journey filled with many health and safety issues. So what does Santa need to do to make sure he’s safe and that we all have a Merry Christmas? To answer that question we’ve compiled a list of 10 festive health and safety training solutions which those from the southern hemisphere might want to…