Park district to test autonomous lawn mowers at 3 parks; deadline for Naperville art competition set for April 11; NAMI DuPage hosting fundraiser for mental

The Naperville Park District will be testing the use of autonomous electric lawn mowers this month in three parks: White Eagle Park, 3140 White Eagle Drive; Kingshill Park, 4271 White Eagle Drive; and Monarch Park, 1585 White Eagle Drive. The district has contracted with Havenshine Technologies Inc., based in Naperville, which will provide the mowers and staff to supervise the mowers in each park. “We are researching the use of autonomous mowers and we are impressed by their safety, efficiency and potential for improving our overall maintenance of turf fields,” Director of Parks Tim Quigley said in a news release.…

mental health and wellbeing in the workplace – RoSPA Workplace Safety Blog

More than ever before, mental health is a topic for open discussion in the media, within our social circles and of course at work. Mental health and wellbeing is all about how we think, feel and behave, and is usually caused by a reaction to a difficult life event, which can be caused or made worse by work-related issues. In particular, working in isolation away from managers and colleagues can add stress to a workforce that is already facing a significant amount of pressure. The scale of the problem Globally, an estimated 264 million people suffer from depression, one of…

One More Cure for Hiccups

December 20, 2022 · 5:50 AM I’ve written previously about how Paul Ingraham helped cure my patello-femoral pain syndrome. More recently, Paul looked into hiccup cures because his father had an intractable case. What finally worked for dad? Breathing into a plastic bag. Boosting blood CO2 (hypercapnia) by breathing in a PLASTIC bag. This one is quite plausible and is easy and safe to try. Hypercapnia definitely affects some kinds of hiccups. The story (from a smart source, a good “friend of PainSci”): “There’s an even easier way out of hiccups — at zero cost. Learned it from my uncle,…

President Biden accidentally shares details about Jimmy Carter’s health at private Democratic fundraiser

Immediately after President Joe Biden accidentally revealed a previously unknown detail about former President Jimmy Carter’s health towards the end of a speech Monday evening, before admitting he “should not have said that.” Carter, whose health is wanted and has been placed on hospice care at his home, instructed Biden to deliver his eulogy, the president revealed during a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Rancho Santa Fe, California. “He asked me to do his eulogy – excuse me I shouldn’t say that,” Biden remarked. “I spent time with Jimmy Carter and it’s finally caught up with him. But they found…

Will smashing plates and TVs at Saint John’s first ‘rage room’ help your mental health?

Destroying a computer with a blunt object is a lot of work. The aluminum bat connects with the steel case with a soft, metallic crunch. The first swing barely dents the tower. It takes a good half-dozen more hard strikes to pop the side panel off, sending the fan, power cables, and plastic bits spinning out onto the floor. For many people, it might feel odd — even slightly wrong — to unleash their inner Hulk on defenseless office gear. But Julie Hebert, who just opened Broken Pieces Rage Room on Rothesay Avenue in Saint John, says smashing small appliances,…

The Philadelphia community tries to heal from trauma as the shooter’s mental health comes into focus

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — In the weeks before Kimbrady Carriker opened fire at random with an AR-15 in southwest Philadelphia killing… PHILADELPHIA (AP) — In the weeks before Kimbrady Carriker opened fire at random with an AR-15 in southwest Philadelphia killing five people and wounding four others including several children, the few people close to him had watched him grow increasingly agitated and erratic, sometimes pacing the house wearing a bulletproof vest, prosecutors and others have said. Now, in the wake of Monday’s bloodshed, officials are urging people to call the police or the city’s mental health resource line when they…

Judge holds Washington state in contempt for not providing services to mentally ill people in jails

A federal judge has found Washington state in contempt and ordered it to pay more than $100 million in fines for failing to provide timely psychiatric services to mentally ill people who are forced to wait in jails for weeks or months. [–In her order released late Friday, U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman said the Washington Department of Social and Health Services has been violating the constitutional rights of these people since 2015 due to a “lack of foresight, creativity, planning and timely response to a crisis of its own making.” [–The ruling stems from a federal lawsuit…

Langley, Coquitlam medical clinics closing, leaving patients worried about finding new doctors – BC

The Lower Mainland is losing two medical clinics this year, leaving thousands of patients without a family doctor in a province grappling with a shortage of them. According to the Gain Medical Centre’s website, all five doctors at the Coquitlam clinic are slated to leave. One is moving to a clinic in Port Coquitlam, while the remainder are retiring on Aug. 31. The Brookswood Family Practice in Langley, which had three family physicians, is also slated to shut down on Dec. 1. A letter to a patient obtained by Global News provided no reason for the end of the signing…