Integration of My Number and accelerating health insurance cards
With the government aiming to integrate health insurance cards into My Number cards in the fall of next year, medical institutions will be required in...
I Don’t Have an Estate Plan…Right?
Whether or not you have a written estate plan, you do have an estate plan. The laws of the state in which you reside...
CLHIA: Dental care program could impact private coverage for employees
CLHIA: Dental care program could impact private coverage for employees | Insurance Business Canada
Many kids missed dental care during the pandemic. Luckily, these dentists visit schools for free
Hygienist Katie Wheeler cleans Sarahi Dominguez Rodriguez’s teeth during a Tri-County Dental mobile clinic, part of the Robert Glass Focus on the Children program, on...
Ending pandemic prenatal health coverage for uninsured people is both costly and dangerous
On March 31, 2023 the Ford government in Ontario ended the expanded health-care funding it put in place when the COVID-19 pandemic began in March...