Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group.
Dear Care and Feeding,
My husband and I taught our children about eating healthily, but we’ve never tried to demonize any foods, focusing on how anything can be healthy if eaten in moderation. We don’t tend to keep a lot of sweets in our house. I’m an immigrant from a country noted for its sweets, but diabetes runs in both my husband’s and my own family, so we keep such things to a…
Inflation is really impacting food prices and, therefore, all our wallets are getting skinnier. Many of us have a tendency to assume that healthy food is expensive and it can be easy to feel frustrated when you feel like you have to choose between saving money and eating healthy.
As a trainer, I believe that nutrition is crucial to good health and no one should have to skimp on that. There are lots of affordable grocery items that are both healthy and inexpensive. Here are my tips for how to feed yourself — and your loved ones — delicious, nutritious…
Acidity is as bothersome as it is, and when it is accompanied by acid reflux, it’s even worse. Reflux happens acid content in the stomach flows back up to the inflamed oesophagus. It causes nausea, heartburn and general discomfort with pain in many parts of the body, especially when lying down after a meal. If you have ever experienced it, you know what we are talking about. We already know that the food that we eat last is the cause of the acidity we grapple with later. If food is the culprit, food is also the solution.
We got some…
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain
Food FARMacias could be one part of the solution to the nation’s growing food insecurity problem, according to a new study by pediatricians at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and New York-Presbyterian.
Food insecurity—or lack of enough healthy food for an active, healthy life—is not just an issue of hunger. Food insecurity prevents children from reaching their full potential physically, cognitively, and socially. Children who grow up in food-insecure homes are sick more often, recover from illness more slowly, and are hospitalized more frequently. Food insecurity can contribute to obesity because people who…
OREM, Utah, March 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — ODYSSEY Snacks, a brand of gut healthy protein bars, has recently launched a new line of protein bars that are free from erythritol, a sugar alcohol often used as a sweetener in food products. These new protein bars contain all-natural, gluten-free ingredients and are available in a range of flavors, including peanut butter chocolate chip, mint chocolate brownie, and banana chocolate chip peanut butter.
The National Institutes of Health recently published a study finding erythritol to be linked to strokes and heart failure. Erythritol is also known to cause digestive discomfort such as…
When it comes to spicy foods, people generally fall into two categories—those who love them and those who avoid them at all costs.
If you’re a lover of all things spicy, you’ll be glad to know that spices such as peppers and chilies offer more than just flavor. Compounds in spicy foods may help reduce blood pressure, support weight management, and increase longevity. However, spicy foods aren’t for everyone, especially if you have digestive issues.
Here’s a look at the potential health benefits and risks of eating spicy foods.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United…
All information is per data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Almonds are the highest in fiber of the three, and contain the most vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium per serving. You’ll also get a healthy dose of phosphorus and potassium — all nutrients that aid cell growth, energy production, and immune function, notes the Cleveland Clinic. Plus, almonds contain antioxidants. A study in the January 2023 Frontiers in Nutrition even indicates that almonds may improve muscle recovery post–sweat session. Consider adding almonds to your next salad or enjoying almond butter in place of your usual nut butter.…
Fiber might just be the key to healthy weight management—and by nature packages it in a perfectly balanced ratio with carbs when you eat them as whole foods. Think unprocessed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Research suggests that carbohydrates are meant to come packaged in a nature-balanced ratio of total carbohydrates to fiber. In fact, certain types of fiber affect how completely your body absorbs carbohydrates and tells your cells how to process them once they are absorbed.
Fiber slows the absorption of sugar in your gut. It also orchestrates the fundamental biology that recent blockbuster weight…