Does My Health Insurance Cover International Travel?
Planning an international trip can be downright exhilarating, and that’s especially true if you’re traveling to far-flung locations you’ve never visited before. Whether you...
CLHIA: Dental care program could impact private coverage for employees
CLHIA: Dental care program could impact private coverage for employees | Insurance Business Canada
The individual health insurance exchange in 2023
The year 2023 marks the tenth year of operations for the US health insurance exchanges since they launched as part of the Affordable Care Act...
How I Recovered from Over $500,000 Worth of Medical Debt
A sudden diagnosis of heart failure in an otherwise healthy 28-year-old person is challenging to accept.
Spending the next months grappling with questions like “Will he...
Ontario’s Your Health Act: Changes to the Legal Framework for Independent Health Facilities | Knowledge
The Ontario government recently introduced Bill 60, the Your Health Act, 2023. According to the Ministry of Health, Bill 60 aims to, among other...
New initiative helps Pittsburghers apply for health insurance at laundromats
Doing laundry at a laundromat can take hours. So why not sign up for health insurance while waiting for your clothes to dry?
“You’re sitting...
Elon University requires health insurance information before class registration
Students who have not yet uploaded their health insurance information or enrolled in Elon University’s new Student Blue health plan will be unable to register...